FBO Water Testing

Are you a Food Business Operator?

Have you had your water tested recently, in line with HSE/Bord Bia guidelines?

At Oldcastle Laboratories Ltd, we are committed to ensuring the highest quality service at an affordable cost.

We can complete your testing for the below

  • E. Coli
  • Entercocci
  • Coliforms
  • Total Bacteria Count
  • Ammonia
  • Nitrites
  • Nitrates

Give us a call on 049 8541160, and we would be happy to organise a quotation for your business today!

BVD Testing

We are Your Local laboratory and are designated for the National BVD Eradication Programme



Milk Testing Available: Butterfat Content ● Protein ● Full Milk Profile ● Somatic Cell Count ● Total Bacteria Count


Results of soil analysis are only as good as the sample on which they are based. A sample must be representative of the area sampled.

Take twenty cores while walking in a ‘W’ pattern across the sampling area of two to four hectares. Cores should be taken to a depth of approx ten centimetres.


ACRES Soil Sampling Scheme – The Deadline for the ACRES Scheme has been extended to 31/12/2024. Please contact the office on 0498541160 for a quotation. Sample results between 15 – 30 working days. https://www.farmersjournal.ie/beef/news/acres-soil-sampling-extension-a-welcome-move-810472





At Oldcastle Laboratories we offer a complete range of water tests to ensure the safety of your drinking water.

The European Communities Regulations, 1998 (Quality of Water intended for human consumption) state that water is safe to drink if it is under the Maximum Admissible Concentrations (MAC) for all chemical parameters as well as being negative for Bacterial contamination. We include MAC values on our results so you can clearly see the suitability of your water for drinking. Our staff can advise on the most relevant tests for your situation and we offer a collection service should you need one.






Bovine Viral Diarrhoea (BVD) is a highly contagious viral disease of cattle that can be transmitted as easily as the common cold. It can be spread directly by infected animals, or indirectly  via contaminated faeces, equipment etc. The disease is estimated to cost the Irish cattle industry €102 million annually. From 1st January 2013 a compulsory BVD eradication scheme has been operational in Ireland. Operated by Animal Health Ireland (AHI), the scheme will run for 3 years on all Irish farms with a monitoring programme in place for a time thereafter.  Oldcastle Laboratories is one of the laboratories designated by AHI to carry out testing as part of the scheme.


Feed costs represent the largest annual operating cost for most commercial farming enterprises. In order to maintain an optimum balance between feed costs and production, feeds must be analyzed and these results used to formulate rations and (or) supplements. Feedstuffs vary widely in nutrient concentration due to location, harvest date (maturity), year, and other management practices.


While  a well-structured worming programme may control the parasitological burden on many farms, there is no doubt that faecal parasitology monitoring can greatly improve the effectiveness of such programmes. Information gathered from testing can  be used to assess the effectiveness of your programme, identify the range of parasites on your farm and suggest important tweaks that might make your programme more effective – perhaps even using less drench at the same time.



Mastitis is a significant disease that affects all dairy herds. The disease may induce changes in the appearance of milk (clotting, discoloration etc.) and inflammation in the affected udder quarter but most infections are subclinical (hidden) with no alteration in the appearance of either milk or udder tissue. Over the years there has been very little change in the types of bacteria causing mastitis. Staphylococcus, streptococcus and coliform infections usually cause clinical mastitis.


At Oldcastle Laboratories we aim to provide an accessible, efficient, quality assured testing
service which fulfills your regulatory and quality needs