Drinking Water Testing
At Oldcastle Laboratories we offer a complete range of water tests to ensure the safety of your drinking water.
The European Communities Regulations, 1998 (Quality of Water intended for human consumption) state that water is safe to drink if it is under the Maximum Admissible Concentrations (MAC) for all chemical parameters as well as being negative for Bacterial contamination. We include MAC values on our results so you can clearly see the suitability of your water for drinking. Our staff can advise on the most relevant tests for your situation and we offer a collection service should you need one .
Why should I test my drinking water?
Wells and springs are fed by groundwater, that is, the water that is stored in and moves through the pores and cracks in soils and rocks. Groundwater pollution occurs when substances enter ground water as a result of human activities causing significant deterioration in the water quality. The common pollutants from farming are nitrate, ammonia, chloride, sulphate, bacteria and viruses. Pollutants also come from engineering and other businesses such as oil spillages and leaks. Groundwater pollution has become an increasingly serious problem in rural Ireland, where the vast majority of wells are located. You might also consider testing your water to protect the pipework and equipment in your home from damage due to high iron, manganese, copper, hardness or other metals present in water.
Other Water Testing Services Available
- Groundwater water monitoring.
- Landfill and waste water facility monitoring.
- Surface water monitoring.
- Monitoring water quality in rivers and lakes.
Water Tests Available
Microbiological Tests
- E. Coli
- Enterococci
- Total Coliforms
- Faecal Coliforms
- Total Bacteria Count (TBC)
Waste Water Monitoring Tests
- Biological Oxygen Demand
- Chemical Oxygen Demand
- Total Suspended Solids
- Total Dissolved Solids
- Oils, Fats & Grease
Chemical Tests
- Nitrates
- Nitrites
- Ammonia
- pH Conductivity
- Iron
- Manganese
- Lead Calcium
- Magnesium
- Total Hardness Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride Alkalinity
- Appearance
- Odour
- Zinc
Call us today on 049 8541160, for your individual quote!